
Roberto Giacomucci

Designer, Architect

Roberto Giacomucci is an Italian architect and designer from Ancona.

Passionate, he uses the knowledge acquired during the years of study to learn how to manage spaces, techniques and materials. "As an "Artisan of Design", he considers it fundamental to know the soul of the material to be moulded, to check step by step its transformation and thus to establish a unique relationship with the object. He is a fanciful, ironic, but concrete designer and not just a visionary with unrealistic ideas. He believes in local talent and promising young people, many of whom have attended his courses at the Faculty of Architecture in Ascoli. Artistic director of companies whose moods he likes to highlight, he puts his strategic/communicative skills to work for a wide and "democratic" dissemination of projects.
He is now a designer at Tooy.

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"To know the soul of the material to be molded..."