
Oriol Guimerá

Industrial designer

Oriol Guimerá is an internationally renowned Spanish designer whose work skilfully combines contemporary aesthetics with a deep reflection on functionality and ergonomics. Born in sunny Barcelona, Guimerá was immersed in the vibrant, creative atmosphere of his native city from an early age.

His academic path led him to study industrial design at one of Spain's most prestigious institutions (Barcelona's Elisava School), where he honed his technical skills and developed his own artistic vision. From the outset of his career, Guimerá has stood out for his innovative approach and his commitment to pushing back the boundaries of contemporary design.

Guimerá's creations are distinguished by their subtle balance between organic forms and clean lines, creating timeless pieces that combine functionality and elegance. His often eclectic palette of materials ranges from natural woods to contemporary metals, creating striking contrasts that captivate the eye.

Over the years, Guimerá has collaborated with major international brands, bringing his creative expertise to a variety of projects, from furniture to lighting to decorative objects. His work has been widely acclaimed for its originality and innovation, earning him numerous distinctions and awards in the design world.

In particular, Oriol Guimerá has left a significant mark on the world of design, contributing to the creation of several iconic ranges within the Font Barcelona brand. His collaboration with the brand has enabled him to harmoniously merge his artistic vision with Font Barcelona's aesthetic values, resulting in collections such as 5.1, Bridge and Balearic.

As a leading figure on the contemporary art scene, Oriol Guimerá continues to inspire and influence a new generation of designers with his visionary approach and commitment to aesthetic excellence. Through his creations, he invites the viewer to discover a world where beauty and function come together harmoniously, making each piece a testament to his creative genius.

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