
Filippo Protasoni


Filippo Protasoni, won a competition organized by the Politecnico di Milano in 2004 and exhibited for the first time at the Salone del Mobile with Piu Yiu on a cooperative installation with Sawaya & Moroni.

In 2006 he graduated from the Politecnico di Milano; after several international (Emmanuel Babled, Markusbeneschcreates), he opened his own studio in Milan in 2009.

He designs lighting, furniture, industrial and textile products, commercial spaces, interiors and exhibitions.

In 2014, the Milan Triennale Museum included him in the National Italian Design.

His work has won national and international design awards and has been featured in major design and lifestyle media.

From 2011 to 2013, he was a member of the ADI Permanent Design Observatory.

Since 2007 he has been lecturing in Italy (IED Istituto Europeo di Design, NABA New Academy of Fine Arts Milan, Domus Academy) and abroad (Design Institute Amman).

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"His research provides a rational attitude, but focuses on emotional perspectives."