
Moisés Hernandez


Moisés Hernandez is a Mexican designer who graduated from the Master Product Design of ECAL (Switzerland) with special mention in 2013.

In 2014, he set up his creative studio in Mexico to continue to draw inspiration from the world around him. Indeed, his country of origin offers colorful and lively landscapes whose features we find in his work. The traditions, the social contrasts of Mexico are all elements that inspire him on a daily basis and push him to improve everyday objects.

His creations are characterized by simple shapes that he sublimates by adding color or texture. Through his achievements, he offers us a mosaic of his country.

He exhibits his works internationally and has received numerous awards such as The Good Design Award from the Chicago Atheneaum.

In 2017, he became a professor at a major university in Mexico City and headed the industrial design department at ITSEM. Today, he continues artistic collaborations with the lighting house HAY and has joined the Industrial Design team at Apple.

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"Solving real needs of people and refreshing objects and solutions taht have work since a long time."